MotoTrak System Troubleshooting
We built MotoTrak to be as low-maintenance as possible, but things do have a tendency to get bumped around in labs. If your MotoTrak system isn’t working like you think it should, check out the sections below to see if there’s an easy fix for your problem.
If you can’t find an easy fix for your problem on this page, contact us and a Vulintus engineer will work with you to figure it out.
Autopositioner Troubleshooting
- Issue: When the autopositioner tries to “home” the module, it doesn’t complete its reset routine and the motor makes a whining noise for 5-10 seconds. +
Try this fix: First, don’t worry, even though the motor makes that sound, the autopositioner won’t damage itself. The most common cause for this problem is that the homing sensor is blocked by dust or some other particle. With a small brush or folded up paper towel, sweep off the sensor located here:

The sensor isn’t too delicate, so don’t worry about hurting it. After brushing it out, press the autopositioner reset button to start the homing routine.