Come see Vulintus at SfN 2023!

We’re heading to Washington, DC for the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2023 on November 11-15! Come visit us at exhibitor booth #2037. We’ve got new systems and new behavioral tests to show you and, as always, we’ll have our robo-rats doing demonstrations on our MotoTrak, SensiTrak, and OmniTrak systems. Or you can talk to presenters at these posters, which present data from Vulintus systems. If you’ve got a behavior that you want to automate and increase your throughput, come talk to us!

Vulintus heads to San Diego for SfN 2022

It’s going to be so great to see everybody in person againat the Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting 2022 on November 12-16! Come visit us at exhibitor booth #2527. We'll have our plush rats demoing MotoTrak, SensiTrak, and OmniTrak systems. Also make sure to check out these posters, which present data from Vulintus systems, and then come by the booth to see how we can help accelerate your research!