Come visit us virtually at SfN 2021!

Preview Days for SfN 2021 have started, and the conference will officially run from Monday, 11/8, through Thursday, 11/11. We’ll be available for video or text chats during the exhibition hours on all four days. Drop in and chat with us if you’re interested in small animal operant behavior and have a task that you’d like to automate. Our off-the-shelf product lines can help you streamline your fine motor, cognitive, and sensory assessments, and if there’s a behavioral task our systems can’t do, we’re always interested in talking about new R&D projects. We look forward to seeing there, but of course you can contact us for a video, phone, or email chat any time!

Vulintus at SfN 2019

Vulintus isn’t exhibiting at SfN this year, but that doesn’t mean we’re skipping it. There’s at least 15(!) posters this year with data from Vulintus systems, covering a wide range of injury models in both rats and mice. Go check them out! Also, Vulintus co-founder Drew Sloan will be presenting a poster on our new OmniHome home cage behavior system on Tuesday afternoon. Send us a message if you’d like to meet with Drew a the conference.

Vulintus' OmniHome Project Receives NIH Funding

The National Institute on Aging (NIA) has awarded Vulintus a Phase I Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant to develop our OmniHome system. OmniHome is a self-contained operant behavior system, wireless and battery-powered, that is designed to fit into standard rack-mounted home cages with no required modification of the rack. With Phase I funding, Vulintus will produce ~20 prototypes for validation testing in Dr. Catherine Thorn’s lab at the University of Texas at Dallas. If you’re interested in perhaps becoming a OmniHome beta tester, please contact us.