Vulintus' own Dr. Andrew Sloan and UT Dallas' Dr. Seth Hays will present MotoTrak, Vulintus' automated rodent forelimb assessment system. The presentation is part of a special webinar series, Animal Behavior Neuroscience, hosted by InsideScientific. Dr. Sloan will demonstrate typical training and testing protocols for both rats and mice. Dr. Hays will then review his research which has used MotoTrak to investigate neuroplasticity-enhancing therapies for motor dysfunction.
Opti-Speech Presented at the 2016 Motor Speech Conference in Newport Beach
Dr. Thomas Campbell will be presenting "Opti-Speech: A Visual Biofeedback System for Speech Treatment" and Dr. Jennell Vick will be presenting "Speech Motor Learning without Auditory Perceptual Tuning: An Opti-Speech Trial". Additionally, Vulintus' own Holle Carey will also be on-site to answer questions about Opti-Speech product development and to obtain valuable feedback related to new features.
Vulintus & NDI Demonstrate Opti-Speech at ASHA 2015 in Denver
Project leader Holle Carey will be demonstrating the Opti-Speech interactive speech therapy software at NDI's exhibit booth at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Convention in Denver on Nov. 12-14. Vulintus and NDI are partnering to integrate our Opti-Speech software with NDI's 3D electro-magnetic articulography systems. Stop by booth #1117 to see the system in action and to check out "Ichabod", Holle's robotic Opti-Speech spokesperson.
PLOS One Paper Cross-Validates MotoTrak with Skilled Reaching and Pasta Matrix
In a new paper published in PLOS One, an isometric pull forelimb assessment using Vulintus' MotoTrak system is compared against standard skilled reach and pasta matrix assessments for rats. All three assessments show significant motor deficits after an ischemic stroke, but only the isometric pull task shows chronic deficits lasting throughout the 6 weeks of post-stroke testing.
MotoTrak Mouse Data Published in the Journal of Neuroscience Methods
Congratulations to April Becker and her colleagues in Mark Goldberg's Neurorepair Lab at UTSW Medical Center on their new article published in the Journal of Neuroscience Methods. Their study used MotoTrak for the isometric force task and measured the volitional pull strength of mice before and after a photothrombotic stroke in motor cortex.